While you are searching for your next opportunity, it’s important to market yourself to future employers. One of the best ways to do this is through LinkedIn. While it has recently looked like a more personal site, the platform remains one of the top places to build your professional network and search for open positions. So how can you improve your profile to promote your top skills and stand out among other candidates?
Be specific and comprehensive: You want to make sure you’re representing everything that shows your experience, especially early on in your career. Any internship, your major, any accolades you’ve received, etc. You want to include it all in some capacity to give a comprehensive look at what you’ve accomplished. As you move further into your career, you may consider removing things that don’t apply so much anymore or aren’t as relevant because you can rely on your career experience. But that’s something you can work through and decide on in future updates. Tip: update your profile every time you update your resume to maintain consistency.
But be concise: You don’t have to have a long description under each position discussing everything you’ve done (that’s what a resume is for). You can have a short description describing your role, but don’t go overboard. People have short attention spans, especially online (think about your own scrolling habits). So just give them a solid look at your experience, and make sure it aligns with your resume.
Have a well-crafted “About” section: It is highly recommended to have an “About” section at the top of your profile. That summary can really demonstrate your professional brand and personality. At BGSF we’re always looking for the right fit for candidates and clients, as you should be. Try to get their attention with what’s special about you and what you can bring to a role quickly. Also, alert your audience if you’re open to opportunities. You can do this in your “About” section, or even more noticeably in your profile picture through the use of the “Open to Work” filter.
Be honest and authentic: Don’t lie! According to Indeed, “It is estimated that 40% of people lie on their resumes, and three out of four employers have caught a lie on someone’s resume.” You want to promote your top skills and what you’re capable of, but don’t over-inflate your abilities or you’ll be doing yourself and your future employer a huge disservice.
Proofread: Nothing stops a recruiter or hiring manager in their tracks quicker than misspellings and poor grammar. Check it, check it twice, then have someone else check it for you! You want to make sure you sound professional, which is tough to do when there are glaring mistakes.
You can land your next role quickly by following these simple steps and checking out our open positions here!