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An Extrovert’s Guide to Burnout in Quarantine

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Extroverts around the world are suffering during the pandemic. Why? Because extroverts find fulfillment and energy from their connections with other people and, well, quarantine is basically the antithesis of social gatherings. Burnout for extroverts happens when their relationships are stressed or obstructed and working from home can have this effect on work relationships. This manifests in symptoms like increased stress, emotional bluntness, exhaustion, lack of enthusiasm and drive, and even depression. 

If that sounds scary, don’t worry! These are usually temporary symptoms and can be reversed with a little self-care and prioritization. It is important to keep in mind, however, that if you are experiencing these symptoms with little or no relief for more than two weeks, to tell trusted friends or family members and potentially consult a mental health professional. Your mental and physical health is important.

Now, are you ready to get started on your path to contentment and fulfillment? Here are some ways you can incorporate self-care in your everyday life to avoid burnout:

  1. Identify what triggered your feelings of burnout and when it started.

  2. Awareness of these triggers will be vital in the future for anticipating situations that may cause a negative response and managing them to cope ahead of time. Being proactive is never a bad idea, especially when your health is involved.

  3. Reach out to your inner circle—your closest and most trusted friends and family—and communicate your feelings. 

  4. In a time of caution, seek out emotional connection where in-person interactions are scarce and feed the relationships that bring you joy. Your relationships will have to adapt, but that doesn’t mean they have to be less fulfilling.

  5. Establish a coping strategy that will help you long-term.

  6. One of the symptoms, emotional bluntness, is a silent threat because, to many people, it can feel like a healthy coping mechanism when it is the opposite. Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling without pushing it away or ignoring it—doing these things will actually speed up the burnout process. This may take some practice and self-reflection but get into the habit of assessing what your mind and body need and giving it to them.

Your plan may look nothing like the person’s next to you; listen to your personal needs and respond accordingly. Taking care of your health, mentally and physically, is the best way to show yourself the appreciation you deserve. Move away from unhealthy coping and towards things that bring you contentment and you will see an improvement in your personal and professional life. You got this!

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